News wrap on disabilities, NDIS, DANA

DANA new advocacy chief, El gibs
Advocates concerned long COVID could lead to new wave of people with disability
ABC News has spoken with Alicia Newnham, a 44 year old mother of three who has experienced fatigue, chest pains, headaches, brain fog and memory loss since contracting COVID a year ago. Newnham’s symptoms have forced her to stop working and driving, but the government and medical professionals won’t recognise her symptoms as a disability. People with Disabilities Australia president, Nicole Lee, told the ABC: “For those people who do have lasting and long-term impacts … they do need to start to be supported, and understood, and respected as having a chronic illness or a disability.”
Warnings of price gouging for NDIS
Last week, NDIS Minister Bill Shorten set out measures aimed at reducing the cost of the scheme, including a list of “preferred providers” that are not “price-gouging”. According to reporting in The Australian, The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission said it had received a rise in reports related to services provided under the NDIS. A spokesman for the competition watchdog said it had prioritised conduct impacting consumers who were vulnerable. “We can only intervene in misconduct where it raises concerns under the Australian Consumer Law, such as where consumers are misled about goods or services, or a provider is relying on unfair terms in contracts with consumers.”
Disability Advocacy Network Australia welcomes two new leaders
The Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) – a national representative body for a network of Australian advocacy organisations – has announced the appointment of two new members to its leadership team. Jeff Smith will step into the role of Chief Executive Officer, and El Gibbs will be their Director of Policy and Advocacy. “Jeff and El, both people with disability, take on the roles at an important time of change and growth for DANA, disability advocacy and people with disability,” DANA said in its announcement.